2024 Stewardship Campaign

Strengthening our Relationship with God:"If not you...WHO? If not now...WHEN?"

"Christian Stewardship is a life-style, which acknowledges accountability and responsibility before God. Becoming a Steward begins when we say we believe in God, to whom we give our love, loyalty and trust. We affirm that every aspect of our lives comes as a gift from Him. Stewards are motivated as recipients of God's abundant love, to respond by participating and supporting His plan of salvation and the ministries of the Church, which make salvation possible for them and for others". Answers to the most common questions regarding the Stewardship program click here: Answers.

Contact Information Parish Council Stewardship Campaign
Fr. Nick: (203) 849-0611 Eleftherios Tsiropoulos, President Helen Boyian, Chairperson 
[email protected] (203) 203-247-5332  (203) 515-2405
  [email protected] [email protected]

Stewardship Goals 2024:

Our goals remain simple but important:

  1. Continue to effectively communicate and educate all of our parishioners the meaning and importance of Stewardship
  2. Support the ministries and operations of our parish

Benefits for Saint George Parishioners:

If we are blessed by God to achieved our Stewardship giving goals for 2024, then we project that together we will accomplish the following service objectives:

  1. Increase the frequency and quality of parish communications from once every two months to every month;
  2. Deepen the commitment of individual parishioners to the life of the parish. People care about what they meaningfully give to!
  3. Improve the quality of spiritual life for our community.
  4. Build up the annual giving support of the parish. Our stewardship will begin to prepare for the costs associated with the maintenance of a Community Center and the increased programs to be provided to the community.

~ How to Give ~

  1. Carefully consider all that god has given (life, health, family, material blessings, etc.);
  2. Reflect upon the amount spent on cable television, clothes, dining out, vacations, cars, home renovations, cosmetics, investments, entertainment, etc;
  3. Ask where an offering to God's Church presently fits in one's financial priorities (Hint: it should be near the top);
  4. Offer thanksgiving to God with one's heart, mind and spirit;
  5. Decide personally or with one's spouse how much a truly sacrificial gift would be (would require one to change one's lifestyle to honor the gift);
  6. Make an annual pledge commitment using our Stewardship card, click here to download
  7. For your convenience, you can also donate online by visiting our 'Giving' page.